From there to here, and here to there...

I'm going to begin blogging again *if my 1 year old allows me to and my 4 year old stops spilling things enough for me to get a paragraph in LOL! I figure, since I already surf the net EVERY day reading & finding amazing things others may not know.. why not share what I find & see how it goes? can't hurt. TO BE CONTINUED...(daily, maybe lol)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another crafty creation..

Hey guys, hows your week coming along? I've been sooo busy, my daughter will officially be out of her Pre-K summer school pgm & off to KINDERGARTEN she goes on Aug. 29 (I'm sure I'll be handing tissues out to the other moms like me who will be crying ) well, I decided to hand make something for one of her teachers whom I adore * Hi Lianna* and I must say I didn't know how I'd tackle it, saw it @ a store for $25 but was way too cheap to buy it.. So, here goes my brain master-minding how & what I need in order to make the exact thing or BETTER :)  here's the store pic
Cute right? Easy to make you think?

Well, given that Walmart is having the back to school sale still, I ran there *literally & bought 4 packs of #2 pencils for $0.48 and vase $2.97, oh & glue for my hot glue gun. I'm in the process of finishing & will post pics, so far I must say- I'm impressed :)

Monday, August 22, 2011


I can't believe my little one will be ONE in a week :) where does the time fly :(
We have (hubby & I) decided to host a small bday party for her, but I want to have a memorable one & so I'm doing all the crafting myself.
Came across a fantastic tutorial from "Penny carnival" and I've decided to do my very own Birthday banner for my Gabriella :)

Here are the instructions..
You will need: fabric, pinking shears, glue (Elmer's is fine), a disappearing-ink pen or chalk, cardstock or an empty cereal box, and either string, twine, bias tape or yarn.

1. Cut out a triangle template from a cereal box or cardstock. Mine is 7 inches across the top and 9 1/2 inches down the sides.

2. Fold a piece of fabric so that it's overlapped by 9 1/2 inches. Place the triangle template's 7-inch side on the fold. Trace around the triangle with the disappearing-ink pen or chalk. Cut along the lines. You should have just cut a diamond shape (once you unfold the fabric).

Pennant a

3. Repeat several times, depending on how long you want the garland to be.

4. Cut your cord (or twine or yarn or bias tape or string) as long as you would like the garland to be.

5. Place the diamonds where you want them along the cord with about two inches between each diamond.

6. Sandwich the cord inside the diamonds, folding the diamonds so that you form a triangle again. The "right sides" of the fabric should face out.
Pennant b
7. Unfold each diamond one at a time and place glue inside, along the three sides of one of the triangles. Press down to seal the triangles shut.
Pennant bb

Pennant c

8. Repeat the steps until all triangles are glued to the cord.

Pennant d
9. Allow to dry, then hang wherever you want to add a bit of festivity.

Pennant e


Sunday, August 21, 2011

My very 1st YOUTUBE video

My husband is the best (sometimes,lol) he's so supportive in my recreational activities that he went out & bought me my very first webcam just so I could load videos on youtube and show viewers my crafting skills. I love him. So please check it out @ the link posted and subscribe to my yahoo page. Take care